Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tuesday Afternoon Knitting Club

I’ve always wanted to learn to knit, but never had the time or the patience! Now, as an expat wife, I have the time and most days I even have the patience (unless it’s been a China day!). A friend of mine finally got the ball rolling (hehe) and said she would teach a few of us. Of course, this a completely open group, and what started out as about 3 of us getting together has now turned into sometimes up to 10 on any given Tuesday afternoon! I was originally the “virgin” knitter, but we have some other newbies, so I’m feeling pretty good about my efforts. I told my mom that scarves may be gifts next Christmas, but she pointed out that I have been working on one scarf now for almost two months, so I may not finish too many in time for the holiday!! Here is my first effort! I only started over about three times and it only has a few holes in it!!

As with any social group, this knitting group has turned into much more than just working on a hobby. These ladies are amazing. We come from all nationalities (last count there were more than 8!), but yet we are here in Tianjin supporting our husband’s and watching as our children grow up in an international setting. I am the first to admit that sometimes being the expat spouse can be difficult. We have left behind families, careers, and all that is familiar to enter an unknown world where we can only hope we don’t lose our own identities. Lately I have found it very easy to get caught up in an indulgent lifestyle (one that can no way continue once I get back to the US). It’s easy to go to lunch everyday and find someone to shop with or go to the spa with. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my friends, but I’m starting to realize that I need a little bit more. I’m searching for a good balance, because at the end of the day, my family is my priority, and in order for me to be a good wife and mom, I must feel secure in my own skin. I sense that many women here have similar feelings, and I love that sense of being understood every Tuesday afternoon. Our group will change over time, but I hope the sense of security stays the same!

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