One of my new favorite days of the year is United Nations Day, which is celebrated at the kids' school towards the end of October. This year we celebrated last Friday. The kids and I were much more prepared this year and we were in as much red, white, and blue as I could muster up! Thankfully I knew what to expect, so this summer during 4th of July I grabbed a bunch of table decorations, tattoos, American flags, and clothes so the USA could be properly represented!!
The school community did an amazing job of showcasing all of the different nationalities we have in our school. The first thing they did was to parade the children into the gym behind a gentleman playing the bagpipes. I got tears in my eyes as I witnessed the pride that all of the students share for their own country, while at the same time how respectful they were of their friends' nationalities. Once we were all in the gym, many different groups came onstage and performed songs, dances, or with instruments unique to their country. One of my favorite performances was a drum performance done by about 40 students from the Japanese school (which is located very close to ours). My ears were ringing, but it was fascinating! After the assembly was finished, the children enjoyed a lunch brought by the PFO. I made 4 apple pies to contribute - I figured you can't get more American than an apple pie!! After lunch they all spent the rest of the day participating in activities to promote world peace! We can't ask for much more than that!!

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