About 4 months ago my dear friend, Jeannie e-mailed me in China and asked if El and I would like to go to the Jonas Brothers in Chicago to help her daughter, Em, celebrate her birthday! It was an invitation we couldn't resist for several reasons. First, we love spending time with our friends! Jeannie and I met through our husbands shortly after we both had our first children! We hit it off right away, our lives seem to run parallel, although in the last 7 years we have only lived close to each other for one year... we went to New Hampshire for hubby's business schools, both have gone on overseas assignments to developing countries, and we both love to chat into the wee morning hours!! Second, since El doesn't get to do many "American" things while we are in China, I enjoy taking her places and doing things that she will be able to talk about with her friends here now and when we return after our assignment. I guess I want to make her transitions as easy as possible and one of the ways to do that is to help her understand a little bit of "pop culture"! Don't get me wrong, I do like the fact that she really doesn't get exposed to these things in China, I can protect her for a bit longer. But, I also don't want her to have major reverse culture shock!! And third, I absolutely love my girl time with El! She is an amazing person and she is growing up way too quickly.
I'm not sure in the end who had more fun, mommy or Ellie!! We stood and sang and danced through the entire JB set which was really great!! We had bought a CD earlier in the week, so we were prepared!! The only issue we had was a screaming teenage girl directly behind us, I'm pretty sure she has lost her voice for at least a week!!

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