Friday, July 31, 2009
We are family!!
After six and a half weeks of being a single parent, I was greatly anticipating Danny's arrival at O'Hare yesterday! We all missed him sooooo much! Of course, I got tears in my eyes when I saw him coming out of the baggage claim area, but my hugs came last because the kids mobbed him immediately!! It was wonderful to be reunited and be a complete family again!
Today we spent the morning power shopping and then we spent time in the lovely fresh air! We went to Independence Grove and rented bicycle things and rode all around the lake, Danny and I went on a run, and then we had a delicious grilled dinner outside!! After dinner, Danny and I took the kids to Dairy Queen and then on a walk around the block. In typical Eensie fashion, he asked me, "If we go on a walk, do I have to walk?!" The walk was his idea because he said it was a "nice night", but he wonders if he has to walk...
One highlight of our summer...
and the reason we are in China!! I promised the kids a trip to the John Deere Commons, otherwise known as "daddy's factory" in our house, if they behaved during their dentist appointments last week! I don't really advise anyone to make three dentist appointments in a row with small children, but we were running short on time in the states, so we did it! All things considered (like being there for 1 1/2 hours and Coop missing his nap), they did a fine job, so off we went to see the tractors!

Coopie is so proud that his daddy helps "make" the tractors! Apparently daddy made all of the tractors we saw too!! I won't even attempt to correct a three year old!!

Our journey begins...
Yesterday we began our journey back to China (with a stopover at Danny's parents for 1 1/2 weeks!)! My mom drove the kids and I up to Danny's parents' house where we unloaded two 70 pound suitcases, two 50 pound suitcases, three extremely full duffle bags, and numerous little bags holding items waiting for a home (Danny's empty suitcases would nice!)!! I'm still quite proud of my packing skills - all of this, plus my lovely children (who had to sit way too close for 3 hours!) fit into a minivan!! I have proof...
Unfortunately, starting the journey means saying good-bye to my family. I thought it might get easier, but I can now verify that it is still heartbreaking. We had such a wonderful summer together and I cannot thank everyone enough for housing us, feeding us, and yes, grandma, doing most of my laundry! We will all miss our "small town" life...Ellie will probably miss the freedom and bike riding, Eens will miss fighting with the dogs daily and his dose of Phineas and Ferb, Coop will miss "coffee" (aka chocolate milk) and bird watching every morning with great grandma, and I will miss, I guess, I will miss it all!! Thank you so much and I love you all!!

Sorry Rob, Steph, Steph, and Jeff...I forgot to take pictures when you were over, but thank you so much for coming to say good-bye!!

Our Favorite Characters!
Yes, I am one of those parents who loves watching my children with the characters! We always buy an autograph book for the signatures, so again, yes, I annoy all those behind me in line when I drag all three children up to the character, ask them to sign three books, and then take pictures!! I have found that going to character lunches and dinners saves an enormous amount of time because then we are not searching for them all over the park and waiting in long lines where the kids get antsy! The only downside on those lunches and dinners are that they can be quite expensive, but when you move to China and use your Disney Visa for your purchases prior to moving, you end up with a huge reward! Danny doesn't quite look at it like that, but I'll continue to try convincing him!!

I've never seen Eens sit so quietly for 20 minutes, I'm assuming he was a bit intimidated by him...
Eens was especially "loving" with the characters this time!
We must have warn Coopie out - this was our last night and he was exhausted, but such a trooper!!
Once again, Eens is quite "friendly", probably bordering on annoying!!

Here he is at it again...

We are so thankful that the characters are extremely patient!!
This visit, our character highlight was meeting the fairies. Disney did a fantastic job with the setting and the fairies were extremely friendly and funny!

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Magical Moments
One of my favorite places to vacation is Disney World...I love the way the kids get that magical look in their eye and during the time we are there, we are all transformed into kids again. I love all of the special touches Disney adds to make your vacation as enjoyable as possible. I love the fact that they are constantly improving and listening to what guests say. I love that all of my kids find something that excites them. I love to watch them act out a ride or show that they saw, weeks or months later, knowing that we created memories even at the ripe age of 3! This visit I found that I also loved listening to all of the accents and trying to figure out where visitors were traveling from. I love the fact that regardless of where we are from or what language we speak, we can all have a wonderful time and make memories that will last a lifetime!
This trip started out as a long weekend, but once my mom and I found airfare and decided where to stay we came to the conclusion, what's a few more nights? We ended up spending 6 nights in a cabin (first time and no, I was not roughing it!) on Disney property and loved it. We got to experience all of the things that make Disney so much fun, but at the end of the day we got to relax in our own space that didn't scream Mickey Mouse! We also had a kitchen so we could make breakfast and have snacks anytime. The kids had their own room with bunk beds, so they were overjoyed! Steph joined us for the first 4 nights which was so much fun, even though I'm pretty sure she cheated on Phase 10! Rob also came for two nights, so at one point we had 4 adults versus 3 children - the odds were in our favor!! The kids behavior was shockingly great, although I did get a very small Croc thrown towards me one night...we won't name names!!
I loved finally being able to focus on the kids this summer. We have, of course, been together all summer, but between meeting up with friends and family, shopping for our return to China, and trying to fit in all kinds of experiences we can't do in China, I feel as though I really haven't had quality time with them. This holiday was spent with few phone calls (only to daddy and T) and no internet...which meant I was all theirs and I loved every minute of it!!
A ride on the boat to the Magic Kingdom...brotherly love!
Feeling right at "home" in Epcot!
Life is good!!
Where are Chip and Dale? Waiting for the silly chipmunks at the campfire!
Soaked after the Kali River Rapids!! It felt good in the 100 degree weather!
Eens loving his pumpkins!
Where is she?? Watching and waiting for Tink to fly...we finally got to see her after several failed attempts on previous visits!

Cooling off!
A brief afternoon downpour, but it only lasted for a short time!
Uncle Rob and the boys!
Coop's first "roller coaster"!
I think the car says it all!!
The little fan wasn't enough! I attempted to be frugal with the Dollar General fan, but in the end, I ended up buying the $16 Disney one that sprays water!!
What a fantastic trip!!

Eensie was finally brave enough to ride the Pirates of the was a hit along with the Haunted Mansion!!
Darling Divas!
Ellie and Gracie were already bonded to begin with, but all the time they have spent together this summer has intensified their relationship. They are both growing up so much right before our eyes. Last year T and I would have had to break up silly fights or have them play apart for a bit, but this year, they are the best of friends. They play all day and talk into the night! I am so happy Ellie gets to experience the joy of having a cousin and a best friend all in one!!
What a wonderful world...
Little Fish
This summer my original goal was to help Eens learn to ride two wheels on his bike. After one session, I came to the conclusion that he may not be ready...I think him grabbing onto me for dear life before I even let go was a good hint!! Instead of the bike, we turned our focus to swimming! Miraculously I got Eens to not only put his face in the water, but he has learned to love the water! He swims with a life vest, but he will jump in and venture all over the pool by himself! I am so excited to take him to the Dells in a couple of weeks!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kimler Fest 2009
Thank goodness for family!! We may not always be on the same page, but we are always there for one another! I have said it many times, but I really do not know if I would be able to have the courage to live in another country if I didn't have my family's support!! This year especially, I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my family at our (attempted) annual Kimler Fest. My aunts put on quite a little shindig with games and a bounce house for the kids, drinks for the adults, food, and typically a water gun/balloon fight!
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