Today was our last day with Ellie's art teachers until next fall! We decided last week that they would teach us how to make jaozi (Eensie's favorite food!) after Ellie had her art lesson! Honestly, I have eaten hundreds of jaozi over the past 10 months, and until today, I had no idea how much love goes into those little bite sizes pieces of goodness!!

You must first start out making the dough, which is pretty simple, some sort of Chinese flour with water. You knead it until it is smooth and then you let it sit for a bit!! While that was resting, we made the filling! Today we used minced pork, star anise, shallots, ginger, and some other long green veggie!! Basically, you cut all the veggies and mix them with the pork, add some salt, egg white, and a bit of soy sauce, and you have your filling!! Now the next part is the hardest, rolling the dough and then stuffing the little things!!

Can you tell from the picture which ones were done by Danny, Ellie, and I??!!

I'm not sure I could make jaozi by myself, but next time I eat them, I will appreciate more all of the effort that goes into making them!!

I have to admit that when it was time to say good-bye, I had tears in my eyes. I know I will see "the girls" next fall, but we will truly miss them. It has been a wonderful cultural exchange between our family and them. Not only have they taught Ellie to produce some fantastic pieces of work, they have also given us an inside peek into the lives of locals in our host country!!
Zai Jian (good-bye) for now sweet friends!!

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