What I witnessed today has made me come to the conclusion that I am in need of a break from our beloved China!! I'm having a difficult time with China right now mainly due to the blogger situation - I mean, is it really necessary to block all blogger sites?? It is so incredibly frustrating, but like I said before, not much can be done by a foreigner!! I've read some articles that possibly some of the bans on particular websites may be lifted in June or July...we'll see!! I guess I am oversensitive on this matter because I know if I were in the US, I would not have to worry if blogger, facebook, or skype is blocked on a daily basis...these are my lifelines here!!
Okay, so today I am at the Sheraton (China standard 5 star hotel, definitely not the Ritz!!) sitting by the pool while Ellie is having her swim lesson! All is well, I'm having a little book time and I finally got to chat to my dear husband on the phone. After I hang up the phone, I look over and see a little boy about 4 years old with his pants down. I don't want to look, but he is right by my chair and I am a little concerned! I look a little closer and he is peeing in a bottle. Some of you who know China are probably thinking it is better than just peeing on the ground, but for goodness sakes, the bathroom is less than 50 feet away. Then, the adult he is with did not even have the audacity to throw out the bottle, she left it sitting right there for everyone to look at the little one's pee! So, at the moment, I am very thankful that in a little more than 3 weeks my feet will once again be standing on good, old US soil!!
I must add that Danny just got home and all I said was, "You'll never guess what I saw today?" He answered, "Where did someone spit, pee, or poop?"! That pretty much sums up the behaviors we witness here everyday!!