Well, the turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie have been eaten and now Danny and I are laying on the couch too stuffed to move! Sounds just like home, except, I didn't really lift a finger! We went to the Sheraton for their Thanksgiving feast to celebrate! It was actually a yummy turkey and the pumpkin pie was delicious. I was surprised and very thankful!! We asked the kids at dinner what they were thankful for...here are some of the responses we got!! Ellie is thankful for her mommy, daddy, brothers, and her whole family and for mashed potatoes! Eens is thankful for mama, dada, his sister, and brother. And Coop is thankful for....guns!!! I have honestly done my best to raise my children the right way, but obviously I have failed in some major way - my 2 year old is thankful for guns. We don't even have play guns in the house, we don't watch shows with guns - I just don't get it!
We are very blessed and thankful for the friends and family all over the world who have opened their hearts to our family and who we have shared so many wonderful memories with. During this season there are so many things we are missing...being with our families, picking out our tree at Wallaces, shopping at 5 am with Jenny the day after Thanksgiving, the ugly ornament dinner, Christmas programs, A Christmas Story being played over and over on cable, and driving around to see who has the most lights up. It will be different, but the most important thing is that we have each other here and I have faith that the memories and traditions we start here will make memories to last a lifetime. God bless everyone!! 
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