Sunday, October 12, 2008

St. Martin Soccer

Dan is hoping that one out of the three kids will be a soccer star! The weather has turned beautiful over here, so he is taking advantage of this and playing soccer on the brick road every chance he gets! Thus far, Coop shows the most promise, while Eens tries really hard. Now my sweet Ellie has a little practice to do. She should gets points for simply trying, because the skills are just not there! She may need to be more like her mommy and stick to sports like track where you just have to be capable of running around a circle!! She may surprise us all!!

Here you can see our quiet Saturday afternoon being spent outside!!

As you can see from El's picture, she is more interested in posing and looking good!!

Here is one of the first signs of fall that I have seen since returning from the states!! I think we are about a month behind the Quad Cities weather! We are now in the mid to upper 70's pretty consistently with only a few 80 degree days forcasted for the next 10 days! It is a welcome relief to not have such high amounts of humidity!

As you can see in the pictures, I do allow my children to wear shorts because it is still hot enough for that. I do this, but pay the price for it because we always get dirty looks from some of the Chinese because after the Moon Festival, which occurred at the end of September, they begin dressing in double layers regardless of the weather! They can not believe I do not make my children wear socks and coats - even my ayi got on my case on Friday because I didn't have socks on - it was 80 degrees out!!!

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