Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our Feet Are On US Soil!

Just wanted to post that we have arrived safe and sound in the US! The plane left EARLY and we arrived a bit EARLY - we couldn't believe it!! For the first few hours on the plane I kept looking at my children and thinking I needed to write a book on how to take international flights with kids. They were watching movies, playing games, doing mazes, and eating the plane food (I ordered kids' meals when I booked the reservations)! Then I gave El and Eens a little Benadryl and off to dreamland they went. I had to give Coop his prescription medication which had the opposite effect! He was giggling and popping up out of his seat every few moments. At first it was funny and then it got a bit annoying because I wanted to sleep! He finally fell into a very fitful sleep and would wake up and kick Eens every hour or so. I finally gave up on sleep after about 3 hours of this! So much for my book deal, but it really wasn't too bad! We're off to sleep and breath in fresh air!!

Tomorrow is full of haircuts, shopping, and driving to my parents' house!!


Laura said...

Glad you are here safely. Can't wait to see you on Saturday.

Jenny Leslie said...

so glad you are here and are safe. looking forward to our visit.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Sounds like the flight went a whole lot better than it could've! Have fun!

Laura said...

hey Kim where is an update? I know you are on vacation, but you also know I check this everyday!!!! Come on I am going through St. Martin withdrawl!!