We have decided that having three children is just not enough to keep us busy these days! In order to change this, we have decided that we are packing up the house and the kids and moving to Tianjin, China!! Join us as we journey through the expat life and discover more about this world and ourselves!
The past two weeks have been rather hectic and busy at the St Martin household. I spent the first week teaching kindergarten in Eensie’s class and this past week I have played catch up! I also managed to sneak in a pity party or two for myself!!
Eensie’s teachers went away two weeks ago to a reading conference in Chicago. I was asked to substitute teach for the week they were gone. I was quite hesitant because Eens is always a little monkey when I drop him off and pick him up. I didn’t know if I could effectively teach the rest of the children while dealing with Eens. After a few chats with the teachers and the principal, I decided to do it! It turned out to be a great week. Eensie was so well behaved, I was thankful and impressed! The rest of the children, whom I know quite well outside of school, were also fantastic! I’m sure I have my mommy friends to thank for possibly bribing their children for my benefit!!
We started off on Monday with a lovely pirate book. I thought I would impress the boys with my love for pirates. It turns out I actually ended up impressing them even more with the topless mermaid in one of the pictures. I learned straight away that I should preview everything before I dive right in!!!
I counted myself lucky that I only had one case of blood! One of the children got a little over excited for reading groups and knocked another one in the mouth with the book basket!! I feel very fortunate that I only had that one incident considering every time I had them standing nicely, the second I turned my back they somehow ended up in a pile on the floor!!
I struggled a bit with the non-English speakers. I have no training in teaching ESL, so I really didn’t have any strategies for those children who were learning to speak English. As a teacher it is easy to get frustrated when they don't follow directions, but I kept telling myself to imagine sitting in a classroom and the teacher only spoke Chinese. I would understand every few words, but not enough to really get the message.
After working for the entire week, I was exhausted, but excited that I survived! I'm sure the kids were very excited that their favorite teachers were back on Monday!!!
Last week I spent time trying to get myself organized again!! I have so much respect for working moms - I worked for one week and everything at home got turned upside down! I also allowed myself a couple of pity parties during the week, which unfortunately my dear, sweet sister had to deal with!! I was just anxious about going home for the summer! Of course we want to come back, but it is a bit difficult to keep everyone happy when you are not in your own home! It is also hard for the kids and I to be away from Danny - we are so used to spending all of our time together, so it throws us all a bit when we are apart for long periods of time. I know that is a good thing that we are so close knit, but it doesn't help in this situation! Danny is trying to make it easier on me and he will stay a little longer this summer because of Steph's wedding in July! I know in my heart it will all work out and there will be tears when we have to come back after a great summer, but right now the planning is clouding my frame of mind!!