When Danny is away, things tend to happen. They are sometimes good things and they are sometimes bad things! During this trip I tried really hard to keep things as normal as possible for the kids. On Saturday we went to our new favorite restaurant on "trash mountain" (I'll take pictures and put them in a post soon!). The gentleman who gets me all my meat and does catering for me just opened this restaurant a couple of months ago. It is nice to go there because I totally trust what he is serving. I'm very skeptical at most restaurants, but here I can try anything on the menu and I know it is good quality! He also makes the most amazing hot chocolate - it actually tastes like he melted a candy bar and served it - I don't care how warm it is outside, I can't go there and not have one!!
So, while Danny was away, I still planned to take the kids and meet friends there to eat lunch! We also brought along the scooters so they could ride around at the park afterwards. Lunch for me was pretty much a complete disaster as my children somehow left their manners and listening abilities somewhere between the car and the restaurant! Saying they were not well behaved is a huge understatement. By the time we finished eating, I was on edge, but still thought it was a good idea for them to be outside. We scooted down to a park for a little play! While we were there, Eens and Coop were on the merry go round. During there spinning, Coop decided it would be a good idea to let go, proceeding to fly right off the horse onto the ground! My neighbor picked him up and brought him to me, of course I didn't see anything. He was wailing and he looked really off. He was holding his head with two hands and seemed to be in a lot of pain. He didn't seem to be feeling better even after some mommy love, so I thought it best to go to the SOS and have him checked out. Being all alone, without a car, 30 minutes from your doctor's office is not a good thing if you have a child who is ill. Luckily my neighbor was with me and she watched the other two as they whisked us back to the emergency room (first time there and was pleasantly surprised!). They checked all of his vitals and his blood pressure a few times to make sure there were no sudden changes. He seemed to perk up after some juice and he looked more like my Coop!! I'm not sure if it was a necessity to take him in, but it put my mind at rest, although I still checked on him bunches of times throughout the night!!
Yesterday we had plans to spend a good part of the day with our dear friends (they are so good to take me in when Danny is gone!!)! The air quality was poor, but the day was actually gorgeous. The kids went to a birthday party first and then we all went back to Rego and played and ordered McDonald's for lunch!! It was a great way to spend our day and Coop only fell down about 5 times, but thankfully he didn't hit his head again!!
When we returned home, I had to water our grass for the second time that day because it was so warm. As I was watering it, I decided that I really didn't want to do it anymore. I was only on day 2 of 14 days of watering. I had them plant the grass on Friday because it looked like we would be getting some rain this week, but now it is all out of the forecast!! My ayi had told me Friday that she thought it was too dirty to water the grass, so I was stuck doing it (who's the boss here??!!!)! Anyway, I can be quite resourceful when needed so I called the property manager and within an hour I had a new gardener! I am very pleased with this arrangement because he can come every day and water my grass, take care of my trees and flowers, and keep my deck and furniture clean. All of these services will be about $15 a week for all 7 days!! As always, when I told my sister this, she asked, "How are you ever going to come back to the US?"!! Danny of course had a good giggle, but the last thing he wants to do is water the entire yard with a hand sprayer!!