Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A white Christmas after all!!
Cleanliness, Good-bye!!
We love Disney!!
A little swim break in the afternoon!!The castle lit up at night!!
Eens and El on the teacups!! The park was basically empty - a 5 minute wait for space mountain!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Magic Exists!!
Hong Kong Therapy
Thursday, December 18, 2008
First Day of Holiday Break
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Question for any potty training mom!
Spreading Holiday Cheer
Friday, December 12, 2008
Winter Concert at IST
Our Pirate!
This morning after the concert, Coop and I went to Eensie's class so that I could read to the class! He has the sweetest classmates. There are 16 4 year olds in the class with one teacher and Ms. Snow (who loves my children so much!!), she is a TA and also teaches the children Chinese! Eens' teacher is very energetic and it is obvious that she wakes up almost every morning wanting to go to work! I read to a group of 8 and then they treated me to waffles that they had prepared in the morning, muffins, fruit, and juice. Cooper played with Ms. Snow the entire time - she cannot wait until he starts school! He gives her hugs and kisses and tells her he loves her in Chinese! I was so happy I was able to witness Eens in his school environment! Each time I go to school I feel more and more like a part of the community - I am beginning to understand why people say it is harder than you think to go back! Don't worry mom, we won't extend the contract, but I am very thankful we are surrounded by caring and supportive people!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Day Without Ayi!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Our Soccer Boy!
I have to also mention two other things that Coop is into...mooning people and swatting tushes. What is wrong with my third child? El and Eens did not do either of these things, so I'm not sure where he gets these ideas, but it has and I'm sure will continue to make life interesting for me! The other day at Gymboree class, he was chasing his teacher pretending to put out a fire and he's being all funny and winds up and swats her in the tush in front of everyone. Of course the Chinese find this hilarious and I am mortified. Then later that day I had some friends over for tea and a playdate with the kids. We were sitting in the dining room enjoying our tea and in comes Coop. He turns around, pulls down his pants and shakes his little, skinny booty (as he calls it!). Now that I'm writing it and not in the moment, it is funny, but when it is happening I just watch in horror!
Clark would not be disappointed!
This is hanging on our deck - it is similar to the one on the porch (connected to our light wires) except that they have put a plastic bag over this one. I am not an electrician, but I cannot imagine this is safe??!!
Now that I see what they are capable of, maybe I should go and buy Frosty, they could probably rig it up pretty easily! Or else, a better idea, wait until we move back to the US and buy a great big Frosty and plug it in properly!!!